Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Review linking expression
1 The team haven't been playing too well. ......, they are expected to win this afternoon.
2........ in nearly every country in the world they drive on the right, in England they insist on driving on the left.
3....... to the north, which will remain warm and sunny, the south will become cloudy during the early morning.
In contrast
4He couldn't get the machine to work ........ following the instructions carefully.
5I'm not tired at all. ........, I'm feeling full of energy.
On the contrary
6........ the computer had recently been repaired, it still kept crashing.
7I know we agreed to raise the issue at the next meeting ........ we simply won't have the time to discuss it.
8The man was arrested ........ claiming to have been nowhere near the scene of the crime.
in spite of
1I overslept this morning. ........ , my car ran out of petrol on the way to work.
Not only that
2The report is expected to be critical of the industry. ........, it is likely to recommend extensive changes to production.
3The witness claims to have seen the suspect at the scene of the crime. ........, the police are in possession of video evidence of the man entering the building.
4........ the wonderful main meal we also had a delicious pudding.
5If you're going into town could you get me some shampoo? ........, we need some more bread.
6Payments to your account have fallen behind considerably. ........, on several occasions your credit limit has been exceeded.
7It was a brilliant game. ........, we didn't have to pay to get in!
What's more
8The meeting concluded without any agreement being reached. ........, several further issues arose.
In addition
Monday, 8 September 2008
Academic words list
My score is 80%.
AWL Sublist 1 - Exercise 1bMatching exercise
1. There are wind-surfers and kayaks _______________ for rent at the lake.
2. The planet Mars has a surface which is somewhat _______________ to that of our moon.
3. It could take weeks to _______________ all the data, but when we do, the results will be very helpful to our project.
4. Spencer's father is doing _______________ into the melting of the polar ice cap in the Arctic.
5. The boss was really excited when he heard we had won the _______________.
6. Here in British Columbia, it is not _______________ to sell cigarettes to people under the age of sixteen.
7. The low number of people attending the lecture is a clear _______________ of lack of interest in the topic.
8. Alcohol was a major _______________ in a car accident which claimed three lives over the weekend.
9. Canada's _______________ growth has been quite consistent for the last few years.
10. Canada went through a _______________ of economic prosperity in the 1950s.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Modal Final Test
My score is 68%. I got 17 out of 25.
1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He must be exhausted after such a long flight.
2. The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we don't have to read it if we don't want to.
3. Susan couldn't hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
4. The television isn't working. It must have been damaged during the move.
5. Kate: Can you hold your breath for more than a minute?Jack: No, I can't.
6. You don't have to be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a penny to their name.
7. I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong according to the answer key. The answer in the book must be wrong!
8. You couldn't do the job if you didn't speak Japanese fluently.
9. You shouldn't worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the job, or you don't. If you don't, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work.
10. You have to be kidding! That can't be true.
11. You may leave the table once you have finished your meal and politely excused yourself.
12. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It must have cost a fortune.
13. Shall we move into the living room? It's more comfortable in there and there's a beautiful view of the lake.
14. If I had gone white water rafting with my friends, I would be floating down the Colorado River right now.
15. At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with Sam, I told my boss that he ought to take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the position.
16. You had better take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.
17. The machine can be turned on by flipping this switch.
18. I can't stand these people - I have got to get out of here. I'm going to take off for awhile while you get rid of them.
19. You mustn't forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.
20. Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head. Can't you think once in a while before you speak?
21. Terry and Frank said they would come over right after work, so they should be here by 6:00.
22. Yesterday, I had to cram all day for my French final. I didn't get to sleep until after midnight.
23. We shall no longer suffer the injustice of oppression! Freedom shall be ours!
24. If I had gone to the University of Miami, I could have participated in their Spanish immersion program.
25. The lamp might not be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out.
Passive Modal Verbs
I learned more modal verbs from another website from Jim's blog. It made me understand about modal forms that I have never known before, especially passive modals. For example :
Modal Simple
I could swim at the beach.
Passive Modal Simple
The room should be cleaned once a day.
Modal Continuous
I could be swimming at the beach right now.
Passive Modal Continuous
The room should be being cleaned now.
Modal Perfect
I could have swum at the beach yesterday.
Passive Modal Perfect
The room should have been cleaned yesterday.
Modal Perfect Continuous
I could have been swimming at the beach instead of working in the office.
Passive Modal Perfect Continuous
The room should have been being cleaned but nobody was there. (Rare form)
Charles Goodyear (Gapmaker)

I read website of the Plastics Historical Society (Charles Goodyear 1800-1860 invented vulcanization of rubber) and it is very interesting, so I want to practice about academic vocabulary by using AWL Gapmaker.
Gap File produced at level 4
The first rubber manufactory had been set up at Roxbury, Mass. in 1833 for making waterproof textiles and other items- but these were not satisfactory; the rubber melted in summer and cracked in winter. Charles Goodyear turned his attention to 'curing' this problem, working at his home. He was impoversihed but managed to find enough financial backing for this work, and was granted a patent in 1837 for an acid gas process - winning medals for his displays of rubber goods.
In 1838 Goodyear purchased the former Eagle India Rubber Company which had come into the hands of Nathaniel Hayward. He assisted Hayward in taking out a patent (which was assigned to Goodyear) for a combination of rubber with sulphur. Further patents were taken out by Goodyear but he was still in financial trouble and was again imprisoned for debt.
The important vulcanisation patent was granted in June 1844, one month after Hancock (who was aware of Goodyear's work with sulphur) had taken out a similar patent in the UK. In 1858 the patent was extended for a further 7 years.
Goodyear was still in debt when he died on 1 July 1860 of 'gout'. His final illness, however, had many of the symptoms of lead poisoning, and his death has been attributed to the extensive use of white lead in his many vulcanisation experiments.
The following words will fill the gaps:
Vocabulary Exercises for the Academic Word List
This link teaches about academic vocabulary. It has many useful exercises.
I did AWL Sublist 1 - Exercise 1a and I got 40% .
1. He did an _______________ of the way children learn language for his Master's thesis.
2. He was arrested for drunk driving because he had drunk more than the _______________ limit of alcohol.
3. The culture of the United States is quite _______________ to that of Canada.
4. The Canadian _______________ is largely based on natural resources.
5. Environmental pollution seems to be an important _______________ in the increase in cancers all over the world.
6.The apartment will be _______________ on June first.
7. The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a _______________ with a major record label.
8. Your continued lateness for class _______________ to me that you are not really a very serious student.
9. Living in Berlin during the _______________ when the Berlin Wall was torn down was an unforgettable experience.
10. Some _______________ into second language learning suggests that oral fluency may increase with moderate amounts of alcohol.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Verb Tense
I got only 65% from this test, so I should to learn more in this for improving my grammar.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Modal verbs
I learned modal verbs from these links and I summarised about these
- Modal verbs are also called auxiliary verbs, helping verbs and modal auxiliaries.
- Modal verbs are will, would, shall, should, (ought to), may, might, can, could, must (have to)
- Modal verbs are used together with other "main" verbs.
- Model verbs used ;
- Prediction - Will and Shall
- Requests - Offers - Suggestions - Can - Could - May - Shall
- Permission - Can - Could - May - Might
- Ability - Inability - Can - Could - Able to
- Certainty - Possibility - Can - Might - may- Could - Shall -Can, might
I practiced modal verbs from exercises on these links
- http://www.englishpage.com/modals/modalforms.html
- http://english-language.webpark.pl/modal_verbs.html
The first website is easy exercises because it divide in each modal verbs. Another link is about advanced level, it's quite difficult but it challenge my skill.
Friday, 29 August 2008
My first draft
Summarize the main effects of globalization and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to your subject area.
Plan ;
Introduction - history/importance
1st paragraph - positive effects
2nd paragraph - negative effects
3rd paragraph - transition to my subject area (Science and Technology)
4th paragraph - positive effects on science and technology
5th paragraph - negative effects on science and technology
6th paragraph - conclusion
Topic sentences ;
Introduction - International integration has affected the world for centuries in several different ways.
1st paragraph - Many people think globalization has had a positive effect on the world.
2nd paragraph - However, critics of globalization argue that the effects are generally negative.
3rd paragraph - Science and Technology are a cause of globalization.
4th paragraph - Globalization of Science and Technology have many advantages.
5th paragraph - However, globalization of Science and Technology have some disadvantages.
6th paragraph - Conclusion
Nowadays it is hard to refuse international integration that has affected the world for centuries in several different ways such as economy, technology, socio-culture, or even politic. There is a rapid increase in international trade and investment which is breaking down national borders and creating a single global economy, thanks to the spread of a global telecommunications infrastructure and greater trans-border data flow, using such technologies as the satellite TV, international media networks. However not everything is good, international integration also has both positive and negative sides.
On one side, some people believe that international integration has made us wealthier and allowed us to lead more diverse lifestyle. According to BBC news (2007), “the IT services boom has helped to transform the Indian economy, which is now growing at more than 9% per year”. On the other side, however, others argue that international integration have many negative effects, especially in developing countries are massive and rising poverty. According to BBC news (2004), Caribbean has been obtained deep-seated imbalances between the rich and the poor from international integration. Therefore, in this essay, first, I would like to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. After that I will discuss the benefits related to my subject area, which is Science and Technology.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Topic sentences
Introduction - International integrate has been affecting the world for centuries.
1st paragraph - Many people think globalization has had a positive effect on the world.
2nd paragraph - However, critics of globalization argue that the effects are generally negative.
3rd paragraph - With regard to science and technology, globalization has had both positive and negative consequences.
4th paragraph - The advantages of globalization on science and technology are…
5th paragraph - The disadvantages of globalization on science and technology are….
6th paragraph - Conclusion
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Essay plan
- Introduction
- Arguments for
- Arguments against
- My subject area (Polymer Science and Engineering)
- Positive effects
- Negative effects
- Conclusion
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
My essay plan
First paragraph: Introduction
Second paragraph: What is globalization?
Third paragraph: Positive sides of globalization affect to economics.
Forth paragraph: Negative sides of globalization affect to economics.
Fifth paragraph: The affect of globalization to environment
Sixth paragraph: Discussion the effect of globalization in my subject area which polymer science and engineering especially technology
Seventh paragraph: Conclusion
Friday, 22 August 2008
Summary lecture 2 : Risk-Hong Kong
Our age is not more dangerous - not more risky - than those of earlier generations - but the balance of risks and dangers has shifted. We live in a world where hazards created by ourselves are as, or more, threatening than those that come from the outside. Some of these are genuinely catastrophic, such as global ecological risk, nuclear proliferation, or the meltdown of the world economy. Others affect us as individuals much more directly, for instance, those involved in diet, medicine, or even marriage.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Good sources for information
I like this website because it is easy to understand about globalisation and gives good examples.
This website shows information about globalisation may be have disadvantages.
I can get the detail of cultural globalization.
I can know profile of Primark shop more than in the past which is my favourite cloth shop because price is the cheapest in the UK.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Globalisation information

- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6279679.stm
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/guides/457000/457022/html/default.stm
- http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=299
- http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=300
- http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=301
- http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=125
- http://www.sociology.emory.edu/globalization/about.html
- http://www.inst.at/studies/collab/breidenb.htm
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/topics/globalisation
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/globalisation
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/7461496.stm
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Listening news from BBC
New words
outwit : The police outwit the drug dealer.
jump into : The drug dealer jump into the sea.
My Idea
I watched the video news about CCTV footage. Drug dealer's failed escape the police by jumping into the sea. I can saw this situation by CCTV machine that is installed on the shore. CCTV machine can tell shape, face of drug dealer. I understood clearly this news because it 's video of real situation. This is the one of the benefits of CCTV
Friday, 8 August 2008
Nowadays there is a dramatic increase in serious crime. In order to limit or, at least, reduce the crime rates, it is hard to refuse the importance of science and technology. No matter if it is a closed-circuit television (CCTV), DNA database or biometric system, all of them help reduce crime. However, the increased use of science and technology to fight crime has been accompanied by an increase in an infringement on personal privacy. The effects of development in technology to fight crime can be both positive and negative. On one side, according to the Home Office website, some people may consider that an increasingly wide range of sophisticated information systems and hi-tech communications, forensic science, and other technologies help detect or curb crime. Such technologies result in safety and convenience in lives. Such technologies also help police to save time and money in investigating particular case. However, other people may argue that the expansion and development of this technology might cause damage to privacy rights. According to the Privacy Act,(www.opsi.gov.uk , 1998) people must respect the rights of other people and individuals have the right of their own privacy. Therefore, in this essay, first, I would like to illustrate the benefits of increased use of science and technology in reducing crime. Then I will suggest that these technologies may trespass to human’s liberty.
Although there are a number of arguments that claim the new technologies affect to the private right, it is very necessary to our society to protect our life from criminals. There are a lot of advantages of using of scientific knowledge to investigate and establish facts for legal purposes for example use biometric systems(face, finger, iris to name but a few) to identify of an offender, CCTV help the police save time to catch the murder and reduce crime. According to the Privacy International (1997), since the Scotland government install of a £130,000 closed circuit TV system in Airdrie, crime drop to 75 per cent. Mobile phones can help fight crime. According to CBS News (2004), a woman in Oklahoma could save her life by dialing her boyfriend, who notified 911. Then the criminal was caught to prison. As a result of these examples, people are much safer in their lives. I highly believe that the increase use of technology and the progress in science are extremely important for all citizens.
CBS News (2004), “Woman Saved By Cell Phone”, viewed 9 August 2008, <http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/04/14/earlyshow/living/main611812.shtml>.
Home Office, “Police science and technology”, viewed 7 August 2008, <http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/science-research/using-science/police-science-tech/>.
Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) 1998, “Privacy Policy”, Human Rights Act 1998, viewed 7 August 2008,
Privacy International 1997, “Can CCTV reduce crime?”, viewed 1 August 2008, <http://www.privacyinternational.org/article.shtml?cmd[347]=x-347-61925&als[theme]=Video%20Surveillance&headline=CCTV%20Frequently%20Asked%20Questions#footnotes>.
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Learn English by the song
First I was afraid; I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong; I learned how to carry on
And so you're back from outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now; go walk out the door
Just turn around now 'cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye?
You think I'd crumble; you think I'd lay down and die
Oh! No, not I; I will survive
As long as I know how to love, I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live; I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive; I will survive
It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart,
And I spent oh! so many nights just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry; now I hold my head up high
And you see me somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you
And so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be free
Now I'm saving all my loving for someone who's loving me
New vocabularys and idioms
- was petrified (with something) = was in a state of extreme shock (by something)
- carry on = continue especially in spite of an interruption or difficulties
- hold one's head high = show pride in one's achievements, worth, ability etc; not feel ashamed (of something)
- crumble = weaken, decay, become ruined, be broken into small pieces
- lay down = to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest
- should (would, could) + present perfect + if + past perfect
Rhythm of this song is very enjoyable and the meaning of lyric is very good to hopeless person. When I tired I usually listen to this song to encourage my mind. After I listen it I feel my life has powerfull like I charge my energy. I really love it.
Monday, 4 August 2008
Relative clauses
Feedback of seminar (fighting crime with science)
When I studied Bachelor degree, I had a chance to visit Institute of Police Forensic Science Thailand, therefore I could understand this topic very well. I think I had done enough research and preparation. I was a very good listener because I had only a few times to speak. Although I tried to interrupt during seminar, I didn't have a chance to speak. When I spoke, I gave reason, example and evidence to support my opinion. I think this seminar was clear, I can catch every people in my seminar group.
Friday, 1 August 2008

Firms : (adjective) well fixed in place or positioniris : noun [C] the coloured circular part of an eye surrounding the black pupil (= central part)
veins : noun [C] a tube that carries blood to the heart from the other parts of the body
fraud :noun [C or U] the crime of obtaining money by deceiving people:
database : noun [C]a large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed:We're linked to the on-line database at our head office.
DNA : noun [U] SPECIALIZEDdeoxyribonucleic acid: the chemical at the centre of the cells of living things, which controls the structure and purpose of each cell and carries the genetic information during reproduction

CCTV : ABBREVIATION FOR closed-circuit television: a system which sends television signals to a limited number of screens, and is often used in shops as protection against thieves:CCTV cameras
to fall in robberies and burglariesto helped to cut incidents
to reduce crimeneighbourhood wardens
surveillance : noun [U]the careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police or army, because of a crime that has happened or is expected:
grown to unprecedented levels
to conceal video cameras
Nowadays it is hard to refuse that people receive information from many sources of media such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or even the Internet. It is also easy to accept that media or media images can shape audience’s perception which definitely affects their behavior. The effects on behavior can be both positive and negative. On one side, some people think that, by observing and imitating, media images give beneficial effects. Therefore, media images help improve audience’s quality of life. However, some people may argue that media images have many negative effects on audience’s behavior and it is harmful, especially to children who have difficulties in distinguish facts and opinions from various sources of media. According to Science Daily (Feb. 20, 2007), ‘the proliferation of sexualized images of girls and young women in advertising, merchandising, and media is harmful to girls' self-image and healthy development’. Although media images affect audience’s perception and behavior both positively and negatively, I strongly belief that media images have more negative effects than positive effects. Therefore, in this essay, I would like to show the potential effects of media images on influencing audience’s life in a negative way and I also would like to show how to protect the harmful influence from media images.
- American Psychological Association (2007), ‘Sexualization of girls is linked to common mental health problems in girls and women’, Science Daily,
viewed 30 July 2008,
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Stating common beliefs on the subject
1. It is generally agreed that…the police should punish young criminals more several.
2. A common viewpoint is that…healthy food is necessary for students.
3. It is widely believed that…the government should support money to university education.
4. Recent research has suggested that…the government should solve greenhouse effect.
5. It is often argued that…females are more difficult to succeed than males.
6. Many people say that…positive effects of cyber less than negative effects.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
My grammar weaknesses
- Verb pattern
- Vocabulary
- Phrasal verb
>>Both because grammar is important for all English skill. I usually write wrong essay because I don't know the correct grammar and I think grammar is necessary to speaking only a bit.
- Do you think that doing lots and lots of grammar exercises is the best way to improve your grammar?
>>I think so because when I do lots of grammar exercises I will remember it and after this I can use right grammar.
- Can you think of any other activities that you could do without having to pick up a grammar book?
>>From website, I can learn by using internet. It has many website that you can learn and it's the easiest way.
- How do you think you've learnt the grammar you already know well?
>>I think remember, do a lot of exercise and review every week. It's a good way for me. But I don't like to reveiw frequently, so if you have the best way to learn grammar, please tell me recently.
- Can you find some online exercises to help you with your grammar weaknesses. Please put a link to anything you find, then do the exercise, and paste into your blog any sentences/phrases you got wrong or would like to remember.
>> Verb pattern >> http://depts.gallaudet.edu/esl/verbpat1to3.htm
>> Vocabulary >> http://tryon.oswego.edu/polymers/Vocabulary/index.html
>> Phrasal verb >> http://www.churchillhouse.com/english/exercises/phrasals/
Monday, 28 July 2008
Polymer Science and Engineering

My master course is Polymer Science and Engineering(plastics and rubbers). This link is about my course. After I know course structure, I find textbook that is SPECIFICALLY connected to my subject. 'Textbook of Polymer Science' (FRED W.BILLMEYER,JR.) suit for me. I read chapter thirteen (Hydrocarbon Plastics and Elastomers) and write summary.
- Low-Density(Branched) Polyethylene
Ethylene polymer was branched polyethylene.
Polymerization>>Ethylene (b.p., -104 ˚C) is made from the thermal (steam) and catalytic cracking of a variety of hydrocarbons, ranging from ethane derived from natural gas to fuel oil.
Ethylene polymerization can be carried out with benzene or chlorobenzene as solvent. At the temperatures and pressures used, both polymer and monomer dissolve in these compounds so that the reactions are true solution polymerizations. Water or other liquids may be added to dissipate the heat of reaction.
Structure>> Low-density polyethylene is a partially (50-60%) crystalline solid melting at about 115 ˚C, with density in the range 0.91-0.94. It is soluble in many solvents at temperatures above 100 ˚C, but only a few solvent mixtures provide borderline solubility at or near room temperature.
Properties>> The physical properties of low-density polyethylene are functions of three independent structural variables: molecular weight, molecular-weight distribution or long-chain branching, and short-chain branching.
Applications>> Almost two-thirds of the low- and medium-density branched polyethylene produced has gone into film and sheeting.
- High-Density (Linear) Polyethylene
Linear polyethylene can be produced in several ways, including radical polymerization of ethylene at extremely high pressures, coordination polymerization of ethylene, and polymerization of ethylene with supported metal-oxide catalysts.
Polymerization>> The coordination polymerization of ethylene utilizes a catalyst prepared as a colloidal dispersion by reacting, typically, an aluminum alkyl and TiCl4 in a solvent such as heptane. Ethylene is added to the reaction vessel under slight pressure, at a temperature of 50-75 ˚C. Heat of polymerization is removed by cooling. Polymer forms as a powder or granules, insoluble in the reaction mixture. Heat of polymerization is removed by cooling. At the completion of the reaction, the catalyst is destroyed by the admission of water or alcohol, and the polymer is filtered or centrifuged off, washed, and dried.
Properties>> Most of the differences in properties between branched and linear polyethylenes can be attributed to the higher crystallinity of the latter polymers, Linear polyethylenes are decidedly stiffer than the branched material (modulus of 100,000 versus 20,000 psi), and have a higher crystalline melting point and greater tensile strength and hardness.
Application>> The production of bottles and other containers by blow molding.
Crosslinked Polyethylene
There has been considerable interest in converting polyethylene to a thermosetting material, in order to combine its low cost, easy processing, and good mechanical properties with the enhanced form stability at elevated temperatures, resistance to stress crack, and tensile strength expected in a crosslinked polymer.
My opinion about this chapter
This is the basic of Polymer Science. I am interested in properties of Polyethylene because it has many structures, so it 's many applications. It 's produced thin film by low density polyethylene or hard container by high density polyethylene. It 's very fantastic products. I think that I can understand this chapter because it's many technical words. I studied Bachelor degree in chemistry, so I have known the meaning of technical words in my field. But some words I don't understand for instance ;
- crack ; I cracked an egg into the pan.
- dissipate ; Bad smell dissipated in the air.
- elevate ; Smoking often elevates blood pressure.
- carry out (phrasal verb) ; Our soldiers carried out a successful attack last night.
- to dissolve in
- to dissipate the heat
- to remove by
- catalytic cracking of a variety of hydrocarbons
- to dissipate the heat of reaction
Sunday, 27 July 2008
The writing exercise from Jim's blog
Visit these websites from British universities:
1 Looking at the information on both the websites – what should a good introduction contain?
a) It should include a few general statements about the subject to provide a background to your essay and to attract the reader's attention. It should try to explain why you are writing the essay. It may include a definition of terms in the context of the essay, etc.
b) It should also include a statement of the specific subdivisions of the topic and/or indication of how the topic is going to be tackled in order to specifically address the question.
2 On the University of Manchester page, look at the suggested language for different sections of the introduction. Which verb tenses are most commonly used in each section? (write down a verb tense and an example for each…)
- Establishing the importance of the topic:
Present Simple Tense ; X is a common disorder characterised by ......
- Establishing the importance of the topic (time frame given):
Present Perfect Tense ; Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in ......
- Highlighting a problem or controversy in the field of study:
Present Perfect Tense ; The issue has grown in importance in light of recent ......
- Highlighting a knowledge gap in the field of study:
Present Perfect Tense ; However, there have been no controlled studies which compare differences in ......
- Focus and aim:
Present Simple Tense ; This paper seeks to address the following questions:
- Outline of structure:
Present Perfect Tense ; The essay has been organised in the following way.
B. Now visit this site:
1 What is the introduction a chance for you to do?
To make a first impression
2 Why do you think planning is important when you are writing an introduction?
Because it can help an introduction be more effective and help manage the time.
3 Look at the example essay question: "Is the present level of immigration in the United Kingdom beneficial to the country?" Read the introduction (below the plan). You should be able to see that the introduction contains all the elements from your answer to question 1 in the Section A. Also, notice the use of verb tenses.
Present Simple, Present Perfect
4 I would like you to rewrite this introduction (to the same question) using the language suggestions from the University of Manchester website and post it on your blog by the end of this class. If you do not have a blog, write it on a separate sheet of paper to give to me by the end of class.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the immigration to the United Kingdom because it is a developed country. Many people want to get a good quality life, so they move to UK that is the famous country in the world. It brings the benefit to the UK.
My comments about seminar
Every time that I started to speak I used seminar language for example Yes, you're right,but... About my pronunciation I think now it's OK but in the next time I will try to more better than this.
Grammatical, it's very difficult for me and I don't know that I said it's right or wrong.
About vocabulary, in my opinion I should to learn academic words more than now.
Friday, 25 July 2008
Friday seminar
In my seminar group today I got new information from my friends about
Television viewing habits around the world
- TV viewing habits in USA, almost children 2-11 years old watching TV more than 2 hours/day and do their homework only 1 hours/day, so now it 's a problem of USA because children don' t control time to watching TV.
- The popular TV program in USA is talk shows 'Oprab'and news is NBC, CNN.
- In Vietnam, housewife and retired people are the group of people that more watching TV than other groups
- In my country(Thailand) children watching TV 1 in 5 of their wake up time and children who live in city more watching TV than rural children.
- The positive effects of TV viewing habits are entertainment, help to learn about other cultures and family member of all ages have an opportunity to spend time together.
- The negative effects of TV viewing habits are violent programs have effect to children are aggressive and children have 'buy me syndrom' because chidren start begging them to buy a toy or snacks, it 's a chain problem , if parents buy snacks for their children and they 've a bit nutrition, a lot of sugar and fat , their children will fat and get a lot of weight.
Television images
- Sometimes TV images real, sometimes it's not real for example advertisement usually exaggerate and use graphic for their products.
- TV images can influence the viewer think.
The future for television and television viewers
- In my group, we think media literacy is very important and it should teach in schools.
- The main purpose of TV is to inform and to educate. Other purposes is to sell, to show reality and sometimes to help people escape reality.
- In my country use TV to remote learning, the students that live in rural and far from the city, they can get knowledge from school center in the city.
- Over the next twenty years, may have many channels and TV program may better than now.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Preparation for the seminar
- Johns Hopkins University say children under-fives who watched over two hours a day increased their risk.
- A UK expert said the level of damage could depend on the individual child.
- Having a television in the child's bedroom at five years old was linked to behavioural problems, poor social skills and also poor sleep.
- But, Dr Richard House, a lecturer in psychotherapy at Roehampton University "Human behaviour is far more complex than these measures of behaviour and social skills - there may well be some more subtle form of harm that is undetected.
I think the risk of children that watch TV depend on their individual child and the amount of hour that they watch TV in each day.
Monday, 14 July 2008
Learn English by the song
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best.. when you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd)
Try as they may they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best.. when you say nothing at all
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best.. when you say nothing at all
(You say it best when you say nothing at all
You say it best when you say nothing at all..)
The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know that you need me..
New words and idioms
Talk out loud = Talk aloud, Talk loudly
- Talk something out = Resolve a problem by discussion
- Talk somebody out of doing something = Persuade someone not to do something
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Reporting Verbs
2. Far more important, they suggested, was free music ripped from CDs someone already owned or acquired from file-sharing sites.
3. 83% of iPod owners showed that they do not buy digital music regularly. The minority, 17%, buy and download music, usually single tracks, at least once per month.
4. On average, the study explains that only 5% of the music on an iPod will be bought from online music stores. The rest will be from CDs the owner of an MP3 player already has or tracks they have downloaded from file-sharing sites.
5. "It is not instructive to think of portable media player owners, nor iPod owners specifically, as homogenous groups," discussed the report.
6. It asserted: "Digital music buyers do not necessarily stop file-sharing upon buying legally".
7. The importance of "free" to digital music fans should not be underestimated, recommended the report, and should be a factor for newer digital music firms, such as Spiral Frog, which use an ad-supported model.
8. "Digital music purchasing has not yet fundamentally changed the way in which digital music customers buy music," claimed the report
Interesting Websites
This website is very useful because it has many pronunciation of English language.
Students can practice easily and it help you to improve your pronunciation.
2 www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/index.shtml
Students that want to learn English language should use this website. This website has news for knowing event of world, moreover it gives you to practice many skills in English language for example grammar, listening, vocabulary etc.
3 www.learnenglish.org.uk
I strongly recommend this website to practice and learn English language. This website were contained much knowledge and many games. It is very interesting and enjoyable.
Friday, 4 July 2008
drinking habit
Over the last ten years, young women in the UK have increased to binge drinking habits. If young women continued to drink in this way, they could present problems for the health such as damage liver, damage to the oesophagus and damage to the brain in the future. Professor Plant said “some of the reasons women used not to drink so extensively were because they feared for their physical safety when they did” (BBC, 2006). It is valuable to find why drinking habits have changed then to effectively solve this problem.
The purpose of this research has two aims. The first aim of research is finding out if female international students drink less/more/ the same as male students. The second purpose is if they drink less/more/the same as they did in their countries.
The sample
The sample was 20 respondents (female 10 and male 10). These respondents were of different age and genders, and from different countries. They were all students of London Metropolitan University.
Data Collection
This was carried out through the use of a questionnaire that was contained with drinking habit in their countries questions and in the UK questions. Then, identify the information.
The first aim of research was discovered that female international students drink
less than male international students. The second aim of research was found that international students drink in the UK the same as in their countries.
There is 65% of international students drink in their countries (male 61.53%, female 38.46%). The highest percentage of drinking is once a week about 35%.
A half of international students usually drink 2-5 cans once in their countries. Both sexes of international students that drink 2-5 cans once are equal (50%).
There is 65% of international students drink in the UK (male 53.84%, female 46.15%).The percentage of international students drinking in their countries is the same as in the UK. The percentage of male drinking in the UK slightly decreased, while the percentage of female drinking increase nearly one tenth.
Two fifth of international students usually drink 2-5 cans once in the UK .The quantity of drinking 2-5 cans once in their countries reduce from 50% to 40% in the UK.
All of the international students drink with friends, so the most important reason of changing drinking habit is no friends.
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Questionnaire for drinking habit
a.18-21 b.22-25 c.26-30 d.over 30
2. What's your gender?
a.male b.female
3. Which country are you from?
4. How long have you been in London?
a.less than 1 month b. 1-3 months c.3-6 months
d. 6-12 months e.more than 1 year
5. How often did you drink in your country?
a.none b.less than once a week c.once a week
d. a couple of times a week e.everyday
6. How much did you drink at a time in your country?
a.one can(325ml) b.2-5 cans c.more than 5 cans
7. How often do you drink in London?
a.none b.less than once a week c.once a week
d.a couple of times a week e.everyday
8. How much do you drink at a time in London?
a.one can(325ml) b.2-5 cans c.more than 5 cans
9. Why did you change your drinking habit?
10. Who do you drink with?
a.alone b.friends c.family d.other( )
11.Where do you drink?
a.at home b.in PUB c.in restaurants d.other( )
12.If you changed your drinking habit, tell me the reason.
13.Do you agree that women drink more than men?
a.Yes b.No c.No idea
When you are trialling your questions, pay attention to the following following factors:
1 Are your questions easy to understand?
I think all question are easy to understand.
2 Are you able to clarify if you don't get the data you need?
- The question number 6,8 are difficult to clarify because it's difficult to specific amount of drinking in glass,bottle,jug or can.
- The question number 9 is not clearify because it has many way to answer.
3 Do the answers you get give you useful data for your research?
I think it' s OK. The answer will give me to succeed main research aim.
Monday, 30 June 2008
10 new words
He is well on his way to showbusiness immoritality.
Noun; the state of being immortal
2 allege
The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelessly.
Verb; to state sth as a fact but without giving proof
3 defeat
He defeated the champion in three sets.
Verb; to win against sb in a war, competition, sports game, etc.
4 eloquent
His eyes were eloquent.
Adjective; (of a look or movement) able to express a feeling
5 contingent
Any further payments are contingent upon satisfactory completion dates.
Adjective; dependent on sth that may or may not happen
6 relent
The police will not relent in their fight against crime.
Verb; to become less determined, strong , etc.
7 propel
He succeeded in propelling the ball across the line.
Verb; to move, drive or push sth forward or in a particular direction
8 detonate
Two other bombs failed to detonate.
Verb; to explode, or to make a bomb or other device explode
9 debut
He will make his debut for the first team this week.
Noun; the first public appearance of a performer or sports player
10 rigorous
The work failed to meet their rigorous standards.
Adjective; demanding that particular rules, processes, etc. are strictly followed
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Food matters
Caroline Stacey
Our shopping bags are bulging, bins are overflowing, and we're running out of landfill sites to dispose of it all. We're being swamped by packaging and food packaging is major a culprit.
In this article
ReduceReuseRecycleBiodegradable Plastic bag blightThe bag backlashBag-free zones Supermarket targetsWhat you can doHave your say
Each year an estimated 6.3 million tonnes of packaging comes into British homes, at a cost of £450 to the average family, says the Government-funded Waste & resources Action Programme (WRAP). That's what we're paying for all those unwanted wrappings and containers we have to dispose of.
Food isn't the only culprit, but one-sixth of the average household food budget goes on packaging and it makes up a third of our household waste. So, what's being done (and what can be done) to send packaging packing?
If food-related packing is to be reduced, the three 'R's need to be put into practice. For a start the amount of pointless packaging has to be reduced. Shrink-wrapped swedes and cucumbers, apples in polystyrene trays and tubes of tomato purée in pointless cardboard cartons are examples of unnecessary packaging. Businesses are under Government orders to recycle their packaging waste and now manufacturers and retailers, many of them food producers and supermarkets, have signed up to a voluntary agreement to reduce the amount of packaging used, called the Courtauld Commitment.
It's more economical to put empty containers to another use
It's more economical to put empty containers to another use than it is to recycle them. Glass jars can be used for storage. So can some plastic tubs - for home freezing, for example. Bags can be used until they fall apart - Sainsbury's will even replace your 100 per cent made-from-recycled-materials bag, which costs 10p, for free when it does. But there's a limit to the second chances we can find for all the jars, bottles, cartons and tubs that find their way into our homes, and most will have to be recycled.
Although more than 70 per cent of our household waste could be recycled, in practice we only manage to recycle just under one-third. The rest goes into landfill. We can try to buy food in containers that are easier to recycle - choosing glass, which can be recycled again and again, instead of plastic bottles, for instance . But our glass act also needs cleaning up. The average family gets through 500 glass bottles and jars a year but only 30 per cent are recycled, according to WRAP.
Aluminium is one of the most valuable of recyclable materials. The energy it takes to make one new aluminium can is enough to make 20 recycled ones.
Plastic is a problem. Plastic film, tubs and pots or the sort of punnet in which fruit and meat is sold are not collected for recycling. Although many plastic containers such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate) soft drink bottles and HDPE (high-density polythylene) milk flagons can and are recycled, a shocking 93 per cent of these milk containers are simply thrown out. The bulky empties take 500 years to decompose.
Most of the plastic earmarked for recycling is shipped to China and comes back to us in another form - as toys, for example. Recycled plastic can be used in new packaging, such as plastic bags, to save resources needed to make it from scratch. Look for the recycle symbol on packaging. A number inside the triangle of arrows shows the percentage of recyclate (that's recycled material) used to make it.
More and more packaging, including new materials such as polyester-based resin, boasts that it is fully biodegradable or compostable. Either term means it will rot down to become compost.
Great idea as long as it really is composted, but if biodegradable packaging is put in a bin liner with all the other rubbish and ends up in landfill it creates methane gas, which is damaging to the environment.
Plastic: thinner is a winner
Packaging can be reduced by making containers thinner. Wine bottles, for example, vary considerably in weight. If producers moved to lighter bottles, WRAP believes that 100,000 tonnes of glass could be saved a year. Bread, crisps and salad could all be packaged in lighter-gauge plastic, saving tons of the stuff every year. Additionally, unnecessary layers of wrapping can be done away with.
The following words will fill the gaps:
New words for me
- culprit
- punnet
- flagon
- rot
- gauge = gage
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Oxford circus
Thursday, 26 June 2008
My personal information
I have just graduated Bachelor degree of Science in Chemistry, Mahidol University and I am really enjoyed studying going to study Master degree of Science in Polymer. I choose this subject because I really enjoyed studying polymer and I growing up in the tropical country which has plenty of natural rubbers I have eventually developed the research interest in polymer sciences dealing with natural rubber application for the improvement of science and polymer, aiming to improve the well-being of people. My plan is to become a university lecture and if I have a chance I will study Doctor degree.
I have just arrived in London 3 days, so I don’t have time to travel in here. I walk around my flat (The Arcade) and the university. In my opinion I think British culture is many difference from my culture forexample about education culture in my culture the teacher will give me everything but in UK is self study.
I expect new knowledge and new experience from this course. I expect I will be able to good at in English language and I can use smooth English language everyday.
I think the first week main self-study targets are I can manage my time to practice self-study and adapt my life into self-study method because I never used this method in my country but I will try to do it.